progress is slow. basically. continuing to make the bar scene, now made the actual bar and the shelves at the back of the bar.
a few of us in my class are getting together so we can do exhibitions together...kind of a collective but there is no links between our work and practice. i think i'm going to start a project for this to get some kind of idea of what i want to do for our first exhbition. this has come at a good time, i'm starting to lost steam with my animation project and it'll give me a chance to step back from my animation and come back at it soon with more enthusiasm! haven't quite decided what i want to do for this project but i have a few ideas circling around my head that i would like to exapand on.
i've recently found an artist called mariel clayton who has been making scenes of killer barbies. i like the pieces becuase although they are funny whilst being slightly disgusting! the sets have also been really well made. i've found i've enjoyed making the sets for my project a lot (i thibk more thatn i'll enjoy animating) . I would like to try this idea of making a set and photographing it. making a set scene.
i also like the work of designer Rita Botelho. i particularly like the simplicity in the designs. for example the 'ring for another' glass design. this is a cocktail glass design with a bell in the bottom, looking at how wealthy people could just ring for their servants to get them another drink.
i also really like the 'hanging' earring series. this is a series of silver wire earrings with small figures of people on them who like they are climbing of leaning against the wire. again i love the simplicity of this and also the turning of something everyday like an eariing into a work of art.
right that'll do for now
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