Tuesday, 22 March 2011

how come you dance so good?

today i had a little mosey around the cube gallery. upstairs there is an exhibition by OSA looking at rearranging objects from around manchester based on works by kurt schwitters. i liked the way that the pieces blended into the existing space in gallery and really took over the place.
downstairs there is an ongoing piece of work by jason minsky and william titley. they are looking into the development and growth of manchester especially one particular event where a village was destroyed to make way for the growth of a lake in the lake district so manchester could have enough water. they have been researching the lost village or mardale green and have made a model village out of kendal mint cake which they plan to flood with water from the lake.


in other news i have bought a plant in a can. it looks like an odd shaped coke can and you peel  off the top, add water everydy and ta-da a plant in a can. ive bought lavender and pansies. i thought it would be nice to make my room a bit more summery. on a side note from this i love it when it starts to get sunny in england. none of us know how long the sun will last so we make the most of it today. i went out to the park at lunch and it was full of people all sunbathing in shorts and skirts and even some with flip-flops. one day of sun and we go crazy. no wonder the rest of the world think we're weird!

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