had a fairly cultural saturday yesterday. went to see a few a couple of the smaller art galleries around manchester with a friend from my course.
first off was untitled gallery which currently has a show by marc provins, a photographer based in manchester. first off the gallery space, it is quite hidden away but i loved the magic of going to find the gallery, reminded me of the smaller galleries i went to see back home in london. i did really like the photography by provins, the work is looking at the unexpected and seeing the unexpected. the photos are small moments of life that people usually walk by, anything from a sun pattern on a car to a squashed hedgehog on the road!
secondly we went to see an exhibiton in kraak gallery in the northern quarter by a group of fine art manchester met students. again i loved the space but the work was not quite there. just small things like paintings not hanging quite straight or parts of work that have been cut out not quite straight. there also seemed to be a large gap between the artist statements we read and the work that we saw. i was impressed though with work by sean liddle and bianca lemus. sean liddle's work seemed the most confident and i liked the style and subject choice by bianca lemus.
we then went to the chinese arts centre where there is an exhibition called human error by household and dario uteras. re-makes of household appliances we take for granted such as printers and scanners have been made on a large scale so we have to work them. it was a fun exhibition to see and even better that you could interact with it. only bad part of this exhibtion is getting my finger caught in the 'scanner'!
in other news......my essay is done! i'm so happy =)
now back to my 'normal' practical work instead of panicing about the essay.
as it's coming up to the end of the academic year i've found that i've had lots of good ideas but i've not been very good at putting these ideas onto paper. i'm going to use the easter break to actually get some physical work done and not jus think lots about my ideas i need to do something with them!
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